How to Help
Where Does Your Money Go?
Because of your generous donation, DSAGT is able to:
- Provide 26 hospitals with New Parent Packets that include information on what to expect and resources to help their babies meet their fullest potential.
- Offer books entitled, “Babies with Down Syndrome A New Parents' Guide,” to new parents in Greater Toledo.
- Send out monthly e-News to over 550 families and professionals.
- Provide awareness events in the community including Mud Hens and Walleye family outings for socializing and networking.
- Recruit and manage over 100 volunteers.
- Counsel and support hundreds of parents through challenging times.
- Offer 25+ families a $100 scholarship for camp, recreational, therapeutic and/or educational activities.
- Offer over 45 books and DVDs from our Lending Library to parents and professionals free of charge.
- Support teens and adults with Down syndrome to participate more fully in the community.