DSAGT Volunteer Nominated for National Philanthropy Day
The Association of Fundraising Professionals of Northwest Ohio (AFP NWO) celebrated their 34th Annual National Philanthropy Day. The annual event is way to show gratitude to individuals who have significantly contributed to the welfare of the communities all across Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan. Each year, the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Toledo (DSAGT) selects a volunteer who has made a significant impact on the organization. This year, DSAGT nominated volunteer, Jessica Casper Hilt. Jessica joined the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Toledo in 2019 after the birth of her daughter Gabriella, who has Down syndrome. Since 2019, Jessica has become one of DSAGT’s most dedicated volunteers. She has been coordinating our monthly Moms’ nights out. She’s also been a member of our Program committee, Buddy Walk planning committee and our New Parent Outreach committee. Jessica’s deepest passion though is meeting new families and getting them connected to the organization and the local Down syndrome community. She goes out of her way to make sure new moms are never feeling alone in their journey and are welcomed into the Down syndrome community. You can learn more about AFP NWO by visiting their facebook page or their website: community.afpglobal.org/afpnwo. And, if you're interested in volunteering with DSAGT, you can email us at [email protected] for more information.